
Fine Free

Ela Area Public Library is a fine free library. We do not charge late fees for overdue items. Items checked out at Ela Library that are returned late will not accrue overdue fines.

Checkout Limits

Books, CDs, Audiobooks, Playaways, Videogames, Launchpads, TV series, Circulating Bags, Children’s Kits, Caregiver Kits, Board Games, Library of Things

New Adult Fiction, Most Wanted Books

Magazines, Curiosity Kits, Blu-rays, DVDs, Most Wanted DVDs, New TV Series, Most Wanted CDs


Many materials are eligible for an automatic renewal three days before the due date. Otherwise, there are several ways to manage your account so that items do not become overdue.

  • Renew in-person at Checkout.
  • Renew online
  • Contact Checkout at (847) 438-3433 x505.
  • Email
  • Renew through the Library's app.
  • Sign up for email notification at the Checkout Desk. You will receive email notices for holds ready for pick up, and courtesy reminders for items on your account that will be due.

Some items are not eligible for renewal. Also, any item 14 days or more overdue is not eligible for renewal.

Items available for renewal may be renewed no more than two times. Library renewals are not permitted if your fines are $10 or more or if your library card has expired.

Overdue Items

When an item is overdue by 14 days, your account will be suspended from borrowing additional materials until the overdue item is returned. You will receive notices at 7, 14 and 28 days. When an item is more than 45 days overdue, we will turn over communication to a third-party agency.


Long overdue items (45 days) are billed as lost. Replacement costs are billed unless the item is returned. Replacement fees may be charged for damaged items.

New Fiction Titles